Caroline had a music competition.
She played very well but did not come in first.
I must say she wasn't especially cool with this turn of events. I mean, she was gracious enough in the moment, but when we got back to the car she burst into tears and gestured like we were speaking Italian.
What do I have to do to win this thing?!, she cried.
Naked longing always sort of unsettles me. I don't know why. If I tried to explain, you'd have a Ph.D in psychology plus a raging headache by the time I finished. I just find it hard to allow myself to want most things. Partly it has to do with the way I was raised. Partly it has to do with knowing the bitterness of disappointment. Partly it's just I'm an easygoing person who doesn't spend a lot of time registering naked longings.
My longings stay buttoned up.
So you should have seen me try to answer Caroline's question. At first I assured her she played beautifully (then why didn't I win?!). Next, I stressed the value of the journey over the destination (what are you talking about?! what journey?!). Painfully aware I was not prepped to handle this scenario, I scrambled all over the spectrum of consolation until finally she said, So let me get this straight. If I want to win I'm going to have to practice longer and harder. Is that it?
Yes, basically, I said, shoulders slumped.
Okay. Then that's what I'm going to do, she said.
Note to self: go down to the track and put money on Caroline's next competition.
Dinner with family and friends. Super yum. Super full.
I make these every Sunday morning for the choir which comes to rehearse at my house. Can I persuade you to join us?
Although my artwork could never be described as portrait quality, I'm not kidding--if my friend had a twin it would be this little party girl. Happy Birthday, dear Nisha.
Sophie gave me this fantastic scarab.
He's even scarier up close.
Et toi, dear reader? How was your weekend?