The lovely Jenmeister! Congratulations, darling! We are thrilled for you and Constance Bunny cannot wait to make your acquaintance. Please let's get in touch and chat about everything under the sun, including the notion of a mailing address.
To everyone else, thank you for playing along. Your descriptions of what you love about where you live were moving and poetic. I'm not kidding--go back and read them for yourselves if you don't believe me. Such exquisite prose in those comments...
In lieu of the little prize, I wish you a lovely summer week filled with cherries, watermelon, a pristine lake, a nearby meadow, an excellent book, the best kind of company, and all kinds of lovely weather.
And now I must run. I am not, unfortunately, at the lake. I am wanted downstairs at Sophie's side as she tackles a brash new piece by Dmitri Kabalevsky, that presumptuous rake.