So my husband, the guy who grew up with like, fourteen televisions in his house to my zero, suddenly came up with the idea of going TV-free. When he mentioned it to me, I was all, "Did my mom just appear to you in a dream or something?" Because I know she is skipping around paradise right now, high-fiving the heavenly hosts.
So what does that mean, going TV-free? Well, apparently it does not mean tossing the actual box to the curb, which probably would have caused us all to break out into hives and left a gaping chasm in our house where the shrine is supposed to be. No, it's still there. It's just no longer connected to any sort of network that would allow access to even the most basic of programs (which is what we had before). I guess we will keep it around for the girls to watch movies on from time to time, so they can't grow up and write memoirs about their deprived childhood (mine should be coming out any day now).
Although I must admit my husband did manage to surprise me with this move, it doesn't feel like some dramatic change in the current for us. I don't think I turned on the television once this summer, barring a few attempts at channel-surfing that left me feeling frustrated and vaguely insulted with the fare. I'm too bored even thinking about it to climb up on that soap box, so I'll spare you the rant about tripe and mediocrity in broadcasting.
Sorry if that makes me sound overly exacting and severe. Or crotchety. My standards aren't that high, trust me (witness the dusty bookcase), and there are a few programs I quite adore...but I'm not sorry to be releasing our cable juice back into the atmosphere. I doubt I'll even think about it after this blog post.
Possibly the one person yet to absorb the shock is Caroline, who will no longer be able to watch "Arthur" on PBS. Sorry about that, Coco. Remember this for your memoir: I'm the one who got you hammies. Daddy's the one who ruined your childhood.
Anyway, all this to say it was a lovely weekend, featuring a brunch with girlfriends, trips to international markets, cooking with my brother, and family and friends over for an evening of cards.
Oh, and girls with short hair. Lately I've been in the mood to draw those.