Did you ever have red week in kindergarten? When you could bring in any small red object and the teacher would attach it to a massive sheet of paper? And all week long you would just marvel over how many things are red? And of course the following week would be blue week? And then green week...you get the idea.
Often, when I was supposed to be paying attention to the teacher, I would lose myself in the wonder of so many objects grouped within a designated hue. I actually got yelled at once for that reason. Apparently we were supposed to be making our way to the storytime mat.
Perhaps my girl out on a limb isn't a true red, but she still exists within the spectrum! Just ask Photoshop. Also pictured: a sweet note from a friend, in shades of red's little sister.
Canada, I miss you. And Caroline's hair, I adore you.
The eternal wip: how it wishes to be more red!
The highlight of my week so far? Going shopping at a fantastic international market with two friends who actually know how to read the labels of the groceries there. Usually I go by myself and just wing it. What a novel idea--to actually understand what you're buying ahead of time.
(To be clear, they were only good for half the store. I'm the one who had to translate chocolat, Schokolade, and cioccolato...which makes us about even, I think.)
So last night I attempted pad thai. The results reminded me why I happily pay for it to be made by professionals, but I'm pretty sure I'll try again. Caroline loved it, at least.
This is not a picture of my pad thai, in case you were wondering. These are some instant noodles I purchased from the same store. Hot, spicy, yummy...and red chopsticks!
Red week was something of a spontaneous idea (translation: there was nothing else to write about), but I had fun showing it to you anyway. Perhaps next week I'll pick a new color and try a little harder. If anyone plays along, please let me know. As previously mentioned, I can happily waste a lot of time staring at the shades of the rainbow.
p.s. Since Kathy asked, and because that makes me feel something official is afoot, let's go ahead and name orange as the color for next week. Why orange? Because I feel no end of devotion to the infinite spectrum of light, and also because this way I won't spend hours agonizing over a choice.
So mark your calendars for orange week next Friday~everyone is welcome to play along!