Dear Sweden, we really must have a chat about your penchant for being totally awesome. These pepparkakors should not be unleashed upon mere mortals like myself.
In other news, I know many of you are facing today with a certain degree of reluctance. Back to school and back to that crazy pace of life which I am constantly panning through, like an old, grizzled gold miner, to keep the nuggets and discard the rest.
I've had a wonderful time with my little tribe these past few weeks. There's been a whole lot of nothing going on and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
Failed chocolate making attempt #1. Apparently I did not pay close enough attention all those times my mom was in charge. But the girls were thrilled nonetheless and I am nowhere near ready to concede defeat!
The manliness of knitting.
Our equivalent of a walk along the moors.
Rosy cheeks.
It always ends so predictably!
Bedtime stories. Never complete without the plea to read more.
These simple, cozy moments are what make me happiest and most aware of the goodness of life. My hope for the new year is that many more such moments come your way and mine...